Grief Counseling in Orange County, CA

Grief Counseling in Tustin, CA

Grief from loss of a loved one

Bereavement- Death of a Loved One

The pain you are feeling as you grieve is indescribable. Your suffering it is so deep.  You are a operating on auto-pilot, accomplishing a few tasks and responsibilities like a machine in slow motion.  Everything has changed and you are lost.  It feels surreal, like in a dream.   But this dream is a nightmare.  Did this really happen?  Why now?  Why like this? Feeling so alone. You go over the story, over and over again, almost compulsively. Think to yourself, “If only I would have…” And the regrets stack up.  Nights are the worst-you can’t stop the thoughts.   Will the suffering ever cease?  Will you ever feel joy again?  It doesn’t feel possible.  Your life will never be the same.

Support in bereavement through this painful time is accomplished through many resources.  Friends, family, and community all serve a role in recovery.  As a grief counselor, I offer gentle guidance as you weather the storm of emotions, allowing you the time and space for the feelings.  With me, you find a safe place to mourn the loss, learn about the grief process,  and discover tools you can use to help you cope with this heart-wrenching experience.   Together we come to plan a future that includes the now impossible feeling of hope.  Feel free to contact me at by calling (714) 941-2257 or email to schedule a free 15 minute consultation and discover how peace can come back into your life after beginning Grief Counseling in Orange County, CA.

Grief from Loss of a Relationship or Divorce

The pain you have at the end of a relationship is gut- wrenching.  You are in grief, but unlike a death, your ex is still living. It’s so hard because you not only lost the companionship you once had, but the future and the dreams of what could have been. And depending on the circumstances, you may still have to interact with that person.  How are you going to do that?

Your life beliefs, your understanding of the world has changed, leaving you to question.  What is the meaning of it all?  Will you ever find happiness?  Will you ever be able to trust again, find love again?  Your self-esteem is shot, your self-confidence is shaky.  It’s hard to face people, so awkward, you just want to run and hide.  The friends you had when you were a couple- do you retain the friendship? It is a lot to figure out and so difficult to perform the daily activities of just getting up and taking care of yourself, others, work.

There is a life worth living that has incredible potential. As a grief therapist I can guide you through this tough time.  I can help you identify your strengths and rebuild your self-confidence so that you can find enjoyable moments again, and create a life that brings you greater peace and fulfillment.  Contact me. I can help. Call (714) 941-2257 or email me for a free 15 minute consultation to explore how as a grief therapist I can guide you through this transformative time while in Grief Counseling Orange County, CA.

Grief from Miscarriage and Death of a Child

You have a sadness that is bottomless.  So many dreams for that child and the life that would have been, should have been.  No one can understand what it’s like to lose the being that once was in your body, in your heart.  You feel numb, detached.  The mental and physical pain you experience is surreal.  The image of the doctor confirming your fear -that you were no longer pregnant, or that your child had died. Broken expectations, excitement ripped away from you, hope crushed.  Loved ones attempt to console you, saying that you can try again, you can have another child.  But children are not replaceable. And if you have other children, how can you be there for them when you feel so empty and find every task so hard?  How can you handle your grief and those of others?

You may seek solace with me,  a compassionate grief therapist who can guide you in your healing journey.  I will be there to witness your grief, encourage your expression of the thoughts and feelings that keep you up at night.  Together we can help you gain the strength to face daily tasks and responsibilities and discover a hope-filled future. 

Call (714) 941-2257 or email for a free 15 minute consultation to begin the healing journey and connect with the love you have that endures when exploring Grief Counseling in Orange County, CA.

Grief from Loss of Role and Life Transition

You know it’s expected as one of life’s transitions, yet no one really prepared you for its impact.   Your child going to college! You are so excited, and anxious, and sad.  The tearful outbursts come, you walk around in a daze, look at the phone hoping for a call or text- you just miss them so much.  Tired and down, unmotivated and unclear on what to do about it. And you really are happy for your child but you just are having such a hard time with this adjustment.

Retirement- You’ve been looking forward to this time in your life for how long?  Now you can do this and this and this.  Unsure how to navigate this terrain, you take on new activities that fall short of your expectations. Fears emerge, regrets surface.  You’ve been thrown into an unfamiliar void and it is uncomfortable and unproductive.   You may have trouble sleeping and finding motivation to complete tasks, have difficulty making decisions, remembering a previously crazy, yet meaningful life.

You are hurting and may benefit from some professional assistance on this new path.  As grief therapist and a woman who recognizes this road and been there for others, I provide a safe place for you to express your feelings and mourn the loss, offering tools to manage the fearful thoughts and the anxiety from the unknown. 

Call me (714) 941-2257 or email for a free 15 minute consultation to discuss support for you in this life transition when you begin Grief Counseling in Orange County, CA.

Grief from Loss of Job or Loss of Employment

You thought that your job was secure and everything was going OK. Then the job that was considered stable is now “non-essential” or due to restrictions just no longer performed. You hear that your company is “restructuring “ and your position has been terminated. It’s mind-boggling- like someone just pulled the rug out from under your feet. Can’t even think of what to do next, and certainly not prepared to make any life adjustments. Your self- esteem sinks, it’s hard to focus, you feel so defeated, confused and angry.

Together we mourn the loss. As a grief therapist, I witness your grief, and move forward in the grief process, exploring thoughts and behaviors that are helpful and identify new actions you can do mentally and physically that encourage and inspire. We then focus on problem- solving solutions and uncovering options and opportunities. I assist you in identifying your strengths and skills so that a hopeful plan is unveiled, leading to increased life satisfaction and a brighter future. Call me for a free 15 minute consultation (714) 941-2257 or email so you can move forward and find direction in your life through Grief Counseling in Orange County, CA.

Grief from Loss of Health

You have been compromised physically. Loss of ability to mobilize, engage in activities, do things for yourself. Perhaps you have lost a limb or sustained an injury that is debilitating. You may have been diagnosed with a condition that is life changing, possibly terminal. You don’t even know how to live your life now. You have thoughts you have never had that are bleak and tragic.

As a grief counselor I can help support you through these difficult times. Together we process the feelings and explore new ways to navigate the challenges.

Contact me today at (714) 941-2257 or email for a free 15-minute consultation and begin moving forward, finding peace, and reclaiming joy in your life by starting Grief Counseling in Orange County, CA.


It is time to call and get help. You’ve waited long enough.