Anxiety Therapy in

Orange County, CA

Anxiety Therapy in Orange County, CA

Anxiety and constant dread -exhausting and intolerable day to day life.   Heart is pounding, stomach is upset, and you feel jittery and shaky.  Hard to focus or concentrate on things for long, you can’t get your work done. Worry or ruminating thoughts fill your brain. Hard to fall asleep or stay asleep.

Anxiety makes your life smaller. Avoidance of social gatherings, places, driving, going to the doctor, going to school or work. Irritability, times when your surroundings don’t feel real, like you are in a movie or video game or looking through a fun house mirror at a fair. You feel like you are “losing it.”

I understand that awful spiral anxiety creates. I work with you to understand how the mind works when anxious and create space to practice thoughts and behaviors that will invite greater calm and peace in your life. Call (714) 941-2257 or email to get relief today.

Panic Attacks

You will be doing something (even sleeping) and out of nowhere you begin to notice it’s hard to breathe, your heart is racing, you are shaking and sweating. You feel dizzy or light-headed and it’s hard to focus on what you were doing. You begin thinking there is something very wrong, that you are having a heart attack and why is it so hard to breathe? A trip to the ER and they say it’s anxiety. The experience is scary. You avoid doing whatever you were doing when you had that panic so you don’t have another episode, living in fear of the next one.

I understand and can help you with interventions that invite calm when your body feels out of control. We make a plan that interrupts the emergency mode day to day living. Panic takes a back seat instead of controlling your life. Call me (714) 941-2257 or email to feel greater peace today.

Fears and phobias

Driving, crowds, heights, flying, social situations, speaking in public, doctors, contamination are fears that can arise from a known or unknown reason. They can be devastating, limiting your ability to get tasks done and enjoy simple pleasures.

I understand and can help.

We begin with information on the biology behind threat so that you know why your brain and body are causing you hell. We then explore Exposure and Response Prevention strategies to tolerate the discomfort and refrain from letting fear take over. I introduce simple mind and body exercises to calm your overworked nervous system. Together we make a doable plan to address the fears and decrease their impact on your daily life.

Ready to move anxiety out of the driver’s seat? Call me (714) 941-2257 or email me to schedule a brief consult and begin your healing journey at my office located in Orange County CA or by video conference or phone. Get out of that frenzied state and get started today!

Stress Management for Professionals

The demands on the job are incessant.  You feel like they keep wanting more and more from you and you just can’t keep up.  The responsibility you have to make sure the business continues and co-workers and clients are satisfied is so intense- you fear you are going to drop the ball and damages will be irreparable.  They rely on you after all! There are not enough hours in the day and Zoom meeting after Zoom meeting leaves you depleted, spent.  You have no time for “self -care” and are too exhausted to even feed yourself much less others who depend on you.  And when you finally can go to bed, you lay there trying to fall asleep, but can’t.  You may catch a couple of hours and then then back on the hamster wheel do do it all again.  No light at the end of this tunnel.  You can’t imagine how to lighten the load- all help seems futile.

I can work with you to get a handle on the snowball effect of stress.  Together we look at the reality of the threats and the strengths, skills and resources you have to handle your stress and instill calm.  We look into recognizing the triggers for stress and practicing actions that help relax the body and mind so that we come from a mindset that is more thoughtful,  less reactive.  We harness the resilience and growth that each stressful situation teaches that helps us respond to future stressful situations with strength and fortitude.

 What about stress management tips and tricks?

In my sessions, I also teach stress management techniques such as progressive relaxation, sensory grounding exercises, breathing exercises, guided imagery and mindset shifts to help you cope and harness resilience from stress. Practicing these skills regularly helps calm your body and mind. You reclaim the energy and use it to cultivate lifestyle you want.

Call me today (714) 941-2257 for a free 15 minute consultation to discuss how you can benefit from anxiety and stress management support when beginning Anxiety Therapy in Orange County CA.

Contact me today at (714) 941-2257 or email me to schedule a free 15-minute consultation and begin moving forward, finding peace, and reclaiming joy in your life.


It is time to call and get help. You’ve waited long enough.